La primavera es maravillosa con sus sonidos, colores y olores. Todo se transforma a nuestro alrededor, hasta la percepción de nuestra propia vida. Mirad que margaritas cogí en mi última escapada a el campo.
Spring is beautiful with its sounds, colors and smells. Everything changes around us, even the perception of our own lives. Look who I picked daisies on my last trip to the countryside
sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
La font del pi
El día dió para mucho, cogímos plantas, comimos y hasta encontramos esparragos. Mis hijas se lo pasaron muy bien correteando de aquí para allá con un día que fué esplendoroso.
The day gave much, we took plants, ate and to find studs. My daughters had fun running around here and there with a glorious day it was.
The day gave much, we took plants, ate and to find studs. My daughters had fun running around here and there with a glorious day it was.
domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012
Easter bag
Estoy inspirada y totalmente mentalizada para celebrar estas fiestas, me apetece mucho diseñar cualquier cosa que tenga conejitos, gallinitas etc. Esta bolsa ha sido diseñada y confeccionada por mi y además como podéis apreciar está totalmente combinada con el letrero para la puerta Happy Easter que os mostré el otro día, espero que os guste, tenéis el paso a paso por si queréis disfrutar tanto como yo.
I'm inspired and totally psyched to celebrate the season, I'm excited to design anything with bunnies, chickens and so on. This bag has been designed and made by me and also as you can see is completely combined with the sign for the door Happy Easter that I showed you the other day, I hope you like it, you have step by step in case much as I want to enjoy.
I'm inspired and totally psyched to celebrate the season, I'm excited to design anything with bunnies, chickens and so on. This bag has been designed and made by me and also as you can see is completely combined with the sign for the door Happy Easter that I showed you the other day, I hope you like it, you have step by step in case much as I want to enjoy.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012
Unos días en la nieve es todo lo que necesito para desconectar, la montaña y mi hija ¿Hay algo mejor?
A few days in the snow is all I need to disconnect, the mountain and my daughter is there anything better?
A few days in the snow is all I need to disconnect, the mountain and my daughter is there anything better?
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012
La colcha de Carmela
Esta colcha la ha diseñado y confeccionado una de mis alumnas, y está hecha de los retales que quedan después de hacer otras cosas.
Gracias a todas mis alumnas por compartir conmigo vuestra creatividad.
This quilt has been designed and made one of my students, and is made from the scraps left after other things.
Thanks to all my students for sharing your creativity.
Gracias a todas mis alumnas por compartir conmigo vuestra creatividad.
This quilt has been designed and made one of my students, and is made from the scraps left after other things.
Thanks to all my students for sharing your creativity.
domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012
La sierra me aporta esa calma que necesito, nada mejor que una comida en el campo para relajarse y empezar la semana con energía, además a mis hijas les encanta corretear y buscar toda clase de bichos, animalitos o cualquier cosa que se mueva.
The mountain gives me the calm I need, nothing like a picnic to relax and start the week with energy, and my daughters love to run around and find all kinds of bugs, animals or anything that moves.
The mountain gives me the calm I need, nothing like a picnic to relax and start the week with energy, and my daughters love to run around and find all kinds of bugs, animals or anything that moves.
sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012
Creating together
Cuando mi hija me ayuda todo se convierte el doble de divertido, solo tiene 7 años pero tiene mucha creatividad,ella me dijo mami ¿por qué no ponemos las letras inclinadas?
Este letrero es especialmente diseñado para dar la bienvenida a sus amiguitos en la fiesta de la recogida de los huevos de pascua en nuestro jardín. No se aceptara la entrada a quien que no tenga grandes dosis de imaginación
When my daughter helps me everything becomes twice as fun, just 7 years old but has a lot of creativity, she said mommy why not put the letters slanted?
This sign is especially designed to welcome their friends at the party gathering Easter eggs in our garden. Not accept the entry to which it has no great deal of imagination.
Este letrero es especialmente diseñado para dar la bienvenida a sus amiguitos en la fiesta de la recogida de los huevos de pascua en nuestro jardín. No se aceptara la entrada a quien que no tenga grandes dosis de imaginación
When my daughter helps me everything becomes twice as fun, just 7 years old but has a lot of creativity, she said mommy why not put the letters slanted?
This sign is especially designed to welcome their friends at the party gathering Easter eggs in our garden. Not accept the entry to which it has no great deal of imagination.
martes, 13 de marzo de 2012
Easter eggs
Ofrecer huevos de Pascua es una tradición que se remonta varios siglos atrás . Segun algunas fuentes tiene su origen en el siglo IV.
En aquella época la iglesia no aconsejaba el consumo de huevos en Cuaresma. Sin embargo las gallinas seguian poniendo huevos, ajenas al precepto o normas religiosas.
En unas semanas se conseguia tal sobreabundancia que habia que dar salida. El domingo de Resurección, primer día que este precepto ya no rige, se convertia en la fecha señalada. Y que mejor que compartir o regalar los huevos que no se habian consumido durante la Cuaresma.
De esta forma, fue naciendo una costumbre. Ofrecer una cesta de huevos era todo un detalle y si además estos huevos estaban coloreados o pintados se convertian en un auténtico regalo.
El huevo, simbolo de vida, fecundación y renovación.
Offer Easter eggs is a tradition that goes back several centuries. According to some sources originated in the fourth century.
At that time the church advised the consumption of eggs during Lent. But hens laying eggs were following, outside the precept or religious norms.
Within weeks it had got such abundance that they be disposed of. Resurrection Sunday, the first day that this rule no longer applies, is turned to the deadline. And who better to share or give away the eggs that had not been consumed during Lent.
Thus was born a habit. Provide a basket of eggs was a nice touch and also if these eggs were colored or painted were converted into a real gift.
The egg, symbol of life, fertilization and renewal